Why Hamvay-Láng products?
Products offered by Hamvay-Láng are always made of original Hungarian goose down. What does this mean?
Hand-plucked goose feather is a real “Hungaricum” with its high down ratio. That’s all we use. Our pillows contain the softest, finest down feathers of geese’s plumages. And the natural characteristics of the goose down are unbeatable. Goose down provides insulation and keeps us warm at the same time, finely letting air through while clinging close to our body.
We do not water down our quality. We do not replace, nor mix goose down with other down. Some manufacturers do put duck feathers in their pillows. Duck feather contains more tallow, is more difficult to wash, keeps heatless, is not nearly as soft. But it is cheaper.
And its quality is much inferior to that of goose down. Goose down is soft, keeps the body heat well, is natural, and much more comfortable.
For pillows, ‘800+ filling grade’ is the magic number, which is worth noting. For an 800 fill power Hungarian goose down pillow, you can be sure that there’s really something there.
Because goose down is not just soft, it is very light, too. However, the feel of quality does require a certain minimum amount, because it has to provide sufficient support while remaining natural, soft, and “breathing”.
If you choose our products, you can be sure to have the finest Hungarian goose down in your pillow. Hand-picked. Washed with clean spring water, using no chemicals. And manufactured for you by the best. We are in daily contact with the farmers and processing companies, who work in the picturesque regions of Hungary, in a natural environment. Their own handiwork, combined with centuries of tradition and expertise, will become a product and get into the pillows.
This is the goose down that is made into the material of the world’s most natural and relaxing pillows by the climate, nature, and weather of Hungary.
Each Hamvay-Láng-made pillow gives you real rest and perfect regeneration. A healthy, relaxing sleep day after day – even for a decade. A real affordable luxury for the long term!